Play is the highest form of research
— Albert Einstein


The PLAYGROUND has provided a sense of security and yet allow any child complete freedom - of imagination as well as physical freedom.

The playground...a lot of people have very specific memories of their school years and what it meant to go to the playground for "recess". For most, it was a short time following lunch, and it was the one chance to blow off steam, run, holler, and just be a kid. Though times have changed, the classic experience of recess hasn't
In fact, the timelessness of recess and playgrounds has drawn attention in recent years because these spaces are being eliminated in some areas, and the results are shocking. This is why more and more childhood developmental experts strongly advocate for a recess or lunchtime break, and for access to a safe and well-planned playground, too.


Why Play?

Free play build healthy vibrant humnas.

Free play is critical for children to learn the skills that are essential to life – skills that cannot be taught in a more formal, structured setting.
If they have the opportunities to follow the curiosity, do what they enjoy, and discover and experiment with the world around them, they will thrive. Without it, parts of their development will struggle.
Children were born to play. Their development depends on it. Provide the opportunities and the development will happen:

1. their creativity will flourish
2 their cognitivie function will strenthen
their socail skills will develop
they will learn how to manage big feelings theirs and others
they will discover their own power

The PLAYGROUND, 501c3 Registered Non-Profit

The PLAYGROUND’s mission is to create a safe environment to motivate and encourage the youth to live a healthy and active lifestyle. The organization focuses on increasing more opportunities fun physical activities for the youth, in hope to inspire an early love of sports and fitness that will serve as the foundation for a healthy way of living and building important relationships.

Donate New or Gently Used Sporting or Work Out Equipment To Those In Need
